rtheunissen/config Configuration containers

Getting Started


Basic usage

Creating a container

You will need to create a container by extending Concat\Config\Container\AbstractContainer. This is where you will be defining your expected types and default values.

use Concat\Config\Container\AbstractContainer;

class Configuration extends AbstractContainer
     * Returns an associative array of expected types, with names mapped to
     * either a single type or an array of accepted types. These types can be
     * \Concat\Config\Container\Value constants or class names. You can also
     * specify `null` as an expected type, which allows null evaluations.
    protected function getExpectedTypes()
        return [

            // Amount of time before an HTTP request times out
            "timeout" => Value::TYPE_INTEGER,

            "logging" => [

                // PSR-3 logger implementation
                "logger" => "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface",

                // Log level to use for the logger
                "logLevel" => Value::TYPE_STRING,

     * Returns an associative array of optional default values, with names
     * mapped to a single value. This value can also be a class name, which will
     * be evaluated when first requested. You can also specify callables which
     * will evaluate to their result when the value is requested, however this
     * does not work if a callable is also an acceptable value type.
    protected function getDefaultValues()
        return [

            // Amount of time before an HTTP request times out
            "timeout" => 10,

            "logging" => [

                // Log level to use for the logger
                "logLevel" => "debug",

Use the static make method with provided values to create an instance of the container.

$container = Configuration::make([
    "logging" => [
        "logger" => function () {
            // Create instance of logger here, or set it directly
            // without using a Closure.

Using a container

You should use the get method of the container to access its values. You can specify multiple path arguments to access nested elements.

// This is now a constructed logger instance.
$logger = $container->get('logging', 'logger');

// 10
$timeout = $container->get('timeout');