rtheunissen/config Configuration containers

Getting Started


Container overview

Lazy loading

Both provided and default values are evaluated against their expected type when accessed for the first time.

Supported types

Mutiple types

Use an array to specify more than one expected type for a value. Use null as an expected type if you would like to allow a value to be null.

protected function getExpectedTypes()
    return [

        // Amount of time before an HTTP request times out
        "timeout" => Value::TYPE_INTEGER,

        "logging" => [

            // PSR-3 logger implementation
            "logger" => ["Psr\Log\LoggerInterface", null],

            // Log level to use for the logger
            "logLevel" => [Value::TYPE_STRING, Value::TYPE_INTEGER],

Value access

Dependencies can be accessed using the get method on the container. Use multiple arguments to access nested elements.

$logger = $container->get('logging', 'logger');


Dependency values are validated when they are evaluated (ie. lazy loaded). A depdendency is considered valid if it matches an expected type or is a subclass of an expected type.